Monday, June 01, 2009

Lizard Story

Hi Guys, its story time, I do come across several stories, but forget most of them, but this one stuck me the most, the message was very clear and it applies to many people.

This was told by an AoL DSN Teacher to a workaholic doctor. The doctor had a hospital running in his home town in Andhra Pradesh, he was so much concerned about his patients, that he would never ever take break, thinking that what would happen to his patients, if he goes on break.

Story begins:
Once there two lizard friends, who were happily playing together, one day one of the lizard climbed the wall went towards the ceiling of a room and sat there, other lizard was waiting for his friend so that they can play, but the lizard didn't come back, it waited for 1 day, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 a week and two weeks. it was still sitting on the ceiling of the room. Lizard couldn't wait for a long time and went to his friend and asked, what are you doing sitting all the day here, why don't you come down and play with me.
To which the lizard told, no, no way I cannot move out of this place, see the roof is going to fall, and I am holding it, if I move out, entire roof will fall down.

Look guys, the lizard thinks that it is holding the roof, actually it’s the roof which is holding the lizard, which it failed to realise.

Now coming back to the doctor, this story stuck to him very much, its only after that he realised that the hospital can run even without him, he appointed junior doctors and started to take rest, thus he got his break and couple of junior doctors also got opportunity to work.

Working on how to use blackberry to connect to internet.

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