Monday, April 07, 2008

Memory Full problem in Nokia N73

I have an Nokia N73. I started to get this message "Memory is full, clear some memory" when checked the memory details, it had only 149kb of free space, I tried to clear all my SMS, Photos, Videos but still couldn't make some memory.
Strange Nokia N73 software does't show up where the memory has been used, about 44MB is shown as being used, but the list which the phone shows, doesn't add up to 44MB.
After spending few nights with my phone was able to resolve it. I had to remove few application which I had installed on my phone and forgot about it.
To remove application do this:
Go to Menu -> Tools -> Appl. Mgr and remove those application which are installed on Phone Memory which you do not require, this will free up your phone memory.

I was able to recover 34MB of memory, now I am able to receive SMS and add Contacts.

Cheers ;-)

There is always an better /polite way of telling that you don't like such n such thing, don't be too harsh, it hurts ;_-

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