Friday, May 05, 2017

BBMP - Property Tax Payment Issue

BBMP Property Tax - Switching over from Challan payment to Online payment

I recently faced issue of clicking "Challan" button instead of "Online" payment while paying BBMP Property Tax - Online.

This was my mistake, In a hurry I clicked Challan button, once you do that, then you cannot go back and make online payment.
(Challan option is used to make offline payment through bank, this is a time consuming process, you need to stand in queue at a bank for making the payment and again after one week you need to go to get the receipt.)

I tried to check online if there is any option where in I can reverse it, even tried to find any BBMP helpline,

Found in one of the online post that, if you leave it as it is for 10 days, then it should resent back.

Yes this worked after 15 days, when I checked back and tried, it was reset and I was able to make online payment.

BBMP has this system in place from past couple of years, its put in place and forgotten, don't see any improvements, we need to be grateful, that at-least it works.


May 2017


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. I am facing similar problem. Sent a message to their grievance email but no response. It has been 10 days now , hopefully another 5 days to go

Anonymous said...

Same here. Thanks a lot for the information. I did the same mistake yesterday. The same problem still exists.Have to wait for another 15 days.

Will update after 15 days.

Anonymous said...

Was anyone else able to pay after 10-15 days? I haven't been able to.